I'M FREEEEEE! omg, I can't really believe PSLE is over, hahahahhaha. yesterday was the most unluckiest day of my life, cos there was a series of unfortunate events, shan't elaborate, it'll only make my blood boil. -.- as for today, we went to Sembawang Beach, unfortunately not to play, but to PICK LITTER. -.- but we didn't pick litter la, we were having FUN. (can you stop thinking dirty. -.-) lazy to elaborate, for details, go to Klar's blog. HAHAHA, u see I'm so kind, I'm advertising her blog instead of mine. :p conclusion: today was fun, to me la. :D I shall post everyday from now on, hee hee. it's to make up for not posting for so long. :D okays, shall go gaming, byes! |