Before I begin this post, I want to thank Isabelle. Because she told me the solution to solving my blogger probs. And it works for facebook too. Yes! :D
Ok anw, I have severe muscle aches. I think because of sbj. Freak la I cnt even walk down the stairs properly. And sitting/squatting down is equally worse omgszx. I have to grab on to the railings damn tightly ok. And I have to go downstairs like how many times a day. Shit. Walao eh imagine tmr when I go to sch, I have to CLIMB UP AND DOWN THE ROTUNDA for like dk how many times. Shit la I sure look like some crippled/old/elderly/disabled person bloody hell. Better not laugh at me. My legs are as bad as it is, don't need to make it worse. And I never thought hand railings were that impt. Until now. :/ Can anyone rent me crutches or smth. I think I quite need them. Not exxagerating(??) but it's really that painful. :( I hope it gets better tmr!! Wish me luck.
Campfire was awesomeeeee last night hahahhaha. But half the time I couldn't understand what the CI was talking about. -.- Jeanette got whipped cream in her face as forfeit for one of the games LOL. But the CI was nice enough to let her do it herself so it wasn't that bad haha. I rmb one of the boys from GES got whipped cream WIPED onto his face HAHHAHAHA. Obi quack LOLLLLLL. Yeah I liked doing Cannibal King, and I think it's too short. They should let us do it a few more times heehee. :B Ahh and Friendship Dance was nice too, but too short also LOL. I got a good view of the fire last night. (Y) And I alw find the part where they drop the fire ball down to light the fire up amazing haha. I just find it kinda cool so I alw look out for it. :D I want more campfires! 3 hours wasn't quite enough. To me I guess. :/ Oh well nvm.
And Mon is Teachers' Day Celebration yay we get to go off early again. Am going back to APS heehee I want to see whether there're any changes. That's the good part. The bad part is I have yet to do Art omgwtf. I need to do the thumbnails, one final pict, and the PLASTERCINE MODEL BY NEXT FRI. AND WTH PLASTERCINE IS HARD TO HANDLE. I will do all my homework tonight and tmr if I have time then I'll get started on Art on Mon. Yes I will. I MUST STOP PROCRASTINATING GAHHHHH. Wish me luck. :/
My blogger isnt getting any better. What if it stays this way forever? Gah whatever. On to happier things, Area campfire is coming! Woohoo~ Am excited about it HAHAHA. :D And it happens to be AiQi's birthday, and she isnt happy area campfire is on her birthday cos she was supposed to go out for some Jap dinner. HAHAHA awww too bad! :P And and and, Teachers' Day is coming! I wil be going back to APS I guess. Isabelle chia and co. you all must wait for me ok. I think I'll be there the latest. Ok well maybe me and Micole. :/ Then 25th Sep is APS Family Nite. I am going back to help out too, with Isabelle Chia. Anybody care to join us? Hahaha. So yup, lots of events coming up!
Then again there's the sep hols coming, but there'll be Maths e-learning omgwth. Then there's Hist Food project. I think this will be the only project I will enjoy. Crescent alw has loads of projects for us. Gahhh. And Art YOG thingy. Making a mascot out of PLASTICINE is insane. And it's due in Wk 10. I havent even started drawing the thumbnails. OMG WTHHHHH. I am so dead la but I dont think anyone did anyway, at least half the class I bet. Except for the guai guai ones. -.- And I think I'm getting fatter and fatter. My school skirt seems to be getting tighter somehow. But no, excersise is out for the time being. I am still aching all over. I have muscle pains in my neck(swimming), my arm(armpower & PT), in my stomach(PT), and my legs(PT & swimming). So stupid right. I havent heard of neck muscle aches in my entire life. At least until now. Only stiff neck but no, not muscle aches! -.- But I dont think my aches will go away anytime soon. There's armpower on Fri again so they won't exactly heal properly. Aiya whatever la. This will happen for the next 2 and a half years anw. Might as well learn how to bear with it now. Gahhh.
I totally overslept today and missed the whole of comm arts eLearning. Omg I cannot believe I overslept! I woke up at 8am but decided to sleep awhile more since it started at 9am. And awhile=an hour later. My phone vibrated and I was like, "I thought I turnes off my alarm??" And I was like "oh yeah shit I was supposed to wake up long ago" And I looked at the clock, "9.48am". -.- Aiya but I think there were so many ppl were spamming the conver that Ms Kearns wouldn't realise I wasn't there. Oh well. :/ Luckily OZH called me, and that was why my hp vibrated, fyi. Or I think I would have missed Sci too. And I'd be so dead. So dead man. Probably skinned alive by Mr Goh. Heng heng heng. But Sci lesson was bad. Mr Goh totally snapped. Thanks alot huh, spammers. -.- Esp BRF, she made it worse. Can you imagine someone saying "I'm hungry!" and "I'm watching sesame street while doing eLearning!" during a Science lesson? Yes, apparently she said that. Nobody would give a damn if she died really, and she's telling ppl she's hungry and stuff. -.- Lame. And 3 ppl got demerits. D: But aiya, what's done has been done.
I'm v hungry now, so I shall go eat dinner. :D
Yay Area Campfire next next fri! Hahaha. I like campfires cos' we get to sing and cheer yay. :D But Pat and Yong Ning won't be able to make it. But I don't think they'll change the date of the campfire will they? Since it involves so many schs. Tsk shit. Anw I think I screwed up my Maths and History. Wasn't able to finish Maths gah! I think I lost abt 7 marks alr! Like wth! D: But I think many ppl were like that too so I guess it doesn't matter that much does it? Heh. History I wrote crap. Omg it's just like Lit! I suck at Lit and I think I wil suck for Hist too! I think I wrote things that weren't even related to the qns. But I'm quite proud of myself that I actually anyh write correctly the answers for one of the qns. HAHA. I wrote whatever came to my mind and when I checked the book again I actually got the points right heh heh heh. :D I didn't study! HAHAH.
I want a new bag and pencil case. The inside of my bag is peeling how disgusitng. The "skin" of the bag sticks to my books ewww. And the opening of my pencil case is so small it makes it hard to take my pens out. How pathetic. -.- And my mum doesn't want to buy for me she says all bags have the "skin" and will peel sooner or later. What crap I haven't really seen new bags in shops with the "skin". -.- Aiya nvm lor I will go peel the "skin" out myself! Heh heh. Alternatively if you have too much money till you dk how to spend it, you can buy a bag for me heh. Or a pencil case. Now you don't have to fret over what to buy me for my birthday! ;) What a great friend I am. HAHAHAHA.
Yay newsmaker finally gao ding le! :D OZH came to my house ytd. And so we spent the whole afternoon on newsmaker. I alot of NGs lor. OMG my chinese pronuciation damn bad lor, and my script was the longest. Gahhhh. So we ended arnd 7 plus?? Then since OZH was waiting for my dad to fetch her out to the main road, we decided... to dance. :D So she thought me the ketchup dance. Yes my deep dark secret is that I actually like dancing. Haha omg I actually said this on world wide web. Hmm I got to see the graceful side of Ong Zhen Hui. HAHAHAHA. Heh I kinda regret not joining Dance. But hey, I will still love NP! ;D I guess dancing's just my interest. I am a stiff idiot when it comes to dancing, so yeah, I think drills suit me better. HAHAHA.
Right so common tests are here! And you'll be thinking Imma bad kid cos I never study still use com right? But no! I went through Sci in the bus! I read through the chpts thoroughly so I think I'll do fine. Come on I read sci in the bus on a regular basis. I am not as bad/lazy as you think! 士别三日,刮目相看. :DDDDDD See until now I'm still using 谚语s! HAHAHAHA.
Happy National Dayyyyy! :D
Yay I'm going to watch NDP today cos Crescent Dance's performing! Hahah I'll see if I can spot Ong Zhen Hui. :D And Siow Ee told me to take pics of the fireworks from my rooftop garden and post it on fb. Hmmmm, I think I shall! :D Went back to JB ytd to celebrate my aunt's birthdayyyy. Heehee dinner was nice. I was lucky enough to get the whole abalone HAHAHA. The food was expensive I think. :/ Then on the way home I fell asleep! And when I got down I went to the sofa, plopped myself there and slept. Then someone came and wake me up saying it was time to sing birthday song and cut the cake. I opened my eyes but I was too tired and I went back to sleep I think. Then I didn't sing the birthday song and I didn't eat the cake cos I was sleeping. Ooopsies. And I was even pissed LOL cos they came and disturb me when i was sleeping HAHA. Heh and my aunt bought the ice cream cake especially for the kids. :/ What! I am not considered an adult so they regard me as a kid! Yeah so now I feel v bad. :P Alright I shall end here! :D
Gah blogger isn't working again, but whatever. Had ND celebration in school today heh heh. It was quite, ok la. I liked the dance hahahaha! :D And then Ong Zhen Hui had her hair frizzed! LOL i couldn't recognize her on stage. So I stayed back with her to do newsmaker after that. Wapiang eh I rarely have chances to go home early and I had to do newsmaker. Dumdum la. And writing the script+interviewing took so long. I reached home at 2 plusssss. So Zhen hui ate with me and did the script while I, helped her wash away all her hair spray thing. It was so hard to wash la! I had to wash 3/4 times then can wash away. HAHAHA but I was so pro I helped her wash when she was typing the script. I shan't tell you how I did it cos it's complicated LOLLLLL. I even had to apply leave-in conditioner+dry her hair for her lor. Waste my shampoo+conditioner! But nvm I like playing with her hair it's long. I just found out today that she cries when she cuts her hair HAHAH what a jokeeeee. Her hair was straight and nice again and she said next time she does this to her hair again she shall come and find me! :DDD heh heh Imma born hairstylist wahahahaha. XD
I cried. Now I feel better. (: I was super stressed up alr trying to put things right and my parents had to make it worse. They piss me off when I am in a bad mood. Like everytime. -.- And I'm getting real pissed with my dad. He is damn insensitive?? And alw acts like he knows everyt. Sorry for saying this, but seriously. I cannot take it any longer. I hardly talk to him now? Zhen Hui was asked me before whether ______ can take my dad's place in my heart and I said yes. She was like, whattttt?? But yeah, somehow that's what I feel. Zzzzzz I hope everyt will work out tmr. If not I will feel very hurt. I put so much effort into it and if everybody disagrees with me I think I will get pissed off again. Gah I feel kinda lost now. For no reason. Shit why am I feeling like this.
And Alan Chan totally pissed me off too during swimming class. He said I wasn't interested in the class. Like wtf. Yes I swam slow but I was alr trying my best. I am wearing 3 layers of shit clothing what does he expect?! 2 laps under 3 mins is impossible. Hey that's a freaking big pool not some jacuzzi. He can say I'm lousy stupid idiotic moronic whatever but he cannot say I'm not interested, cos I really was trying my best. So if I'm not interested I would have quit swimming long ago. Life sucks. I have sucidal thoughts sometimes. Like drowing myself when I was swimming just now. 死是一种解脱. Yes that's what it seems like to me. |
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