I was out the whole day. I am damn tired now I will sleep right after lan qiu huo. I went to see doctor about my breathlessness problem. And OMG HE ASKED ME TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL TO DO A X-RAY AND A BLOOD TEST. BLOOD TEST OMGGGGG. It was damn pain the nurse was tilting the needle everywhere to find my vein and she couldn't get enough blood from my right hand so she had to poke me again in the left hand. She kept tilting the needle even more for my left hand. -.- And all that came out was that little blood. So she decided to take it to the lab and ask if that amount was enough. Before she left she was like "Pray that this is enough." Omgggggg I was so scared. Then she came back, smiled at me and she said "Ok enough!" Waaaaa I was so relieved.
Before the nurse came to draw my blood: Me: Mummy can I just ask the nurse to poke my finger like sunny like that. Mum: Cannot la! Finger prick only one drop leh. Me: Nvm la I let her poke alot alot alot of times on my fingers I don't want to use the syringe! Omg omg omg I never want to do a blood test again. And then I went back to the clinic the doctor said my lungs were clear my blood count was on the high side (good not bad ah) nothing was wrong. Then he kept asking if I was under alot of stress etc etc etc. I think the whole time it wasn't consultation lor it was like counselling time/ questioning time. So he found out about whatever happened at home and he suggested me to go for counselling. Errrr isn't that a little ... So the verdict is : My breathlessness thing is just physchological (??) In other words, xin li zuo yong. WAH I WHERE GOT SO FREE EVERYDAY TELL MYSELF "I CANNOT BREATHE I CANNOT BREATHE" AND ALL THE BLOOD TEST THE PAIN EVERYT WAS LIKE, USELESS! DDDDDD: But I still got medicine anw to remove all the gas in my stomach. I told my mother "Then I go through the pain for nothing!" she said "My money more wasted ah you xin li zuo yong only!" Ehhh but no lor!! I absolutely feel breathless I'm not so free to keep telling myself I cannot breathe. -.- Then after that we went to orchard to see my skin doctor. I think he was quite fed up with me I was supposed to use the stuff day and night but I only used it at night so not much results HAHAHA. Aiya ok now I more qin lao la I use day and night :/ So of course since we were at orchard we went shopping. We ate alot. Tako Yaki then Yoshinoya for dinner then Tako Yaki again then Egg pudding + Durian snow ice. I think I'm becoming fatter my tummy's alr showing. -.- I need to exercise. Soon. HAHAHAH. Till then! :D
I went to Orchard today. But the one shopping was my mum I was only her porter. I lend her my shoulder to hold when she tries on shoes and say nice or not nice when she asks me about the shoe. And I really didn't want to go Orchard I wanted to go home. So I was v v pissed off the whole time I was "shopping" at Orchard. So after idk how long my mum FINALLY decided to go home so we went to Borders to find my dad and bro. And guess what. When I was looking for them at Borders I saw...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MR THAM OMG. AT THE CHILDREN'S SECTION OMGGGGGGGG. I went nearer to look at omg he adjusted his specs and I was sure it was him! What was he doing there!! AT THE CHILDREN'S SECTION. He married alr meh!! I never noticed any ring on his finger what! I 上看下看 HE ALSO DON'T LOOK LIKE FATHER. :OOOOOOO I told Zhen Hui she said he's alr 36 so he should be a father by now and he has a ring on his finger. EH BUT I NEVER SEE LEY. But ya wtv I was so shocked. Why do I see ppl I know everywhere I go. -.- Ya I'm kicking up a big fuss but whatever idc!
Shopping at Jurong Point was fantastic! (Decided not to use awesome cos it's so common)
Ok la actl shoe hunting not shopping. The whole time we only walked into shoe shops. And the shoes were so nice! :( Aiya but I was supposed to only give my opinions on how the shoe looked on my mum since she was the one buying them. -.- So I decided to be guai and shut up and not chao my mother to buy them for me. Then we went to Coffee Bean to drink coffee(duh). I drank iced choc and also tried my mum's caramel macchiato. And that's the reason why I cannot sleep now. -.- Ya but the next time I go there I'll drink caramel macchiato! It's not too sweet not too bitter yay. And I laughed alot HAHAHAHA. We were talking about how my cousin's front teeth are white and then when you open up the sides you see YELLOW HAHAHAHAH. And my uncle says he has to start doing some periodic "spring cleaning" on her, like what my mum did to my bro. And my other cousin laughed so hard his iced choc leaked out of his mouth. Ya but I simply cannot stand my brother he was jumping and playing catching and running everywhere he went with my cousin. So shameless. P5 alr yet he acts like P1. -.- My mother was asking him to stop being such a monkey and I was like "Eh monkey also can train you look at him so horrible. Say so many times also dk how to listen." Like seriously la. So inmature. Cannot stand him. Ya then me and my mum went to John Little the ________ dept and OMG I SAW _____ __'__ THERE OMGGGGGG SO PAISEH!! My mother was like "What's there to be embarrased about?" and she continued talking quite loudly EEEEE I WAS SO PAISEH!! WANTED TO FIND A PLACE TO HIDE MY FACE. I had a feeling I would see someone I know there the whole time then omg so zhunnnnn. I am still surprisingly not sleepy. How. What am I going to do now. :/
The "We are one" charity thingy is getting on my nerves. Yeah whatever I know you're trying to raise money to help people who are in need blablabla but is there a need for so much ads?? Everytime I watch tv the ad flashes like at least 6 times throughout the whole time I watch tv. God it's so irritating. "Compassion's one of our school values"~ Like ya whatever I don't care what your school values are and I get the point one brick's for $2 and it's to do charity don't have to keep flashing the ad! And then the NTUC woman goes like "I think whoever has the capability to donate should donate" (aiya or smth like that) So dumb!
Aiya whatever also not my problem why should I donate. I mean like if it's for the disabled or cancer patients or smth I don't mind but this is what, ppl affected by recession. So stop the ads la! When they're raising funds for cancer patients/disabled ppl I don't even see so many ads. And then like you want to raise money raise money la why must sell bricks (so ex somemore) and then make ppl go down to Ion orchard. -.- I hope they quickly raise their money then get their stupid ads out of my tv! And the ad is so long. So luo suo. So boring ewww. And today is Friday the 13th. I see so many "freaky" or "unlucky/suay" incidents on facebook. Wow ok is it really this true that bad things will happen or smth. And O lvls ended today. Halfway through taekwondo there were screams from everywhere. Joy now no need to keep shh-ing can talk as loudly as we want before NP sessions. I want to watch Witch Yu-Hee now tata.
Taekwondo was an epic failure I wouldn't have joined if I knew there were such things as patterns! ): I SHOULD HAVE GLUED MY BUTT TO THE GROUND AND NOT LET MYSELF BE PERSUADED BY SIOW EE. ): I feel kind of bad for joining then quiting cos it feels like I'm wasting everybody's time but hey, I didn't really have a choice Siow Ee kept bugging me. ): And not anyone else. WHAT IS THIS. But if I continue on I won't get anywhere. I simply cannot rmb the steps so yeah. ): I want to quit this is torture. I feel so confused; can I just go and help with the souvenirs?? ): Now, how many ): have I used in this post alr. Me: Eh do you think it's inappropriate of me to quit tkd and join back the souvenirs group? Like wasting ppl's time leh. Pooranee: No la you don't like then quit la why you want to stay! Me: Orh ok lor. Aiya ok let's not talk about it anymore I've alr talked to ma'am what's done cannot be undone. Not that I'm hoping it'll be undone anw. -.- I WANT TO WATCH FORENSIC HEROES II LEY. I don't have cable tv. For real. My aunt said she watched long ago alr wth! Forensic heroes was my fav show I catched it every night lor. I like Ouyang Zheng Hua he's damn smart! Fyi, he's the bald one haha. I wanted to say fat fat one but that's abit mean. And he's so smart I guess nobody will really care if he's fat or not. Well at least I don't. He's a genius HAHAHA. WHEN IS CHNL U GOING TO AIR FORENSIC HEROES II !! ): They can sacrifice Lan Qiu Huo you know. Even though I also want to watch it but FH II comes first. >:( Please please please air it soon that'll be the perfect Xmas/Birthday present! ):
I finished my posters alr. It's actl pretty darn plain. Compared to Dorcas' one omg. And Jessie's! :O But aiya I don't listen during LSCEP so it's not a fair comparison if you just compare ours like that. HAHAHA. Anw I asked Dorcas if I could post her poster her cos I like it alot, and she said yes. :D Credits to Mehendi for the slogan, and Dorcas for the poster.
![]() ![]() So cool right! I love the slogan esp the xoxo, NPCC one heehee! Till then!
![]() Missing you just runs too deep Oh I can't breathe thinking of your smile Every kiss I can't forget This aching heart ain't broken yet Oh God I wish I could make you see Cause I know this flame isn't dying So nothing can stop me from trying Baby you know that Maybe it's time for miracles Cause I ain't giving up on love You know that
Maybe it's time for miracles Cause I ain't giving up on love No I ain't giving up on us I just want to be with you Cuz living is so hard to do When all I know is trapped inside your eyes The future I cannot forget This aching heart ain't broken yet Oh God I wish I could make you see -Adam Lambert, Time for Miracles |
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